This is my MQTT client library for Contiki.
It is completely asynchronous, starting a new process to handle communication with the message broker. It supports subscribing, publishing, authentication, will messages, keep alive pings and all three QoS levels. In short, it should be a fully functional client, though some areas haven’t been well tested yet.

See the example below for usage.



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#include "mqtt-service.h"
PROCESS_THREAD(mqtt_client_process, ev, data)
    static uip_ip6addr_t server_address;
    // Allocate buffer space for the MQTT client
    static uint8_t in_buffer[64];
    static uint8_t out_buffer[64];
    // Setup an mqtt_connect_info_t structure to describe
    // how the connection should behave
    static mqtt_connect_info_t connect_info =
        .client_id = "contiki",
        .username = NULL,
        .password = NULL,
        .will_topic = NULL,
        .will_message = NULL,
        .keepalive = 60,
        .will_qos = 0,
        .will_retain = 0,
        .clean_session = 1
    // The list of topics that we want to subscribe to
    static const char* topics[] =
      "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", NULL
    // Set the server address
                0xbbbb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x110);
    // Initialise the MQTT client
    mqtt_init(in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer,
              out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer));
    // Ask the client to connect to the server
    // and wait for it to complete.
    mqtt_connect(&server_address, UIP_HTONS(1883),
                 1, &connect_info);
    PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == mqtt_event);
        static int i;
        for(i = 0; topics[i] != NULL; ++i)
            // Ask the client to subscribe to the topic
            // and wait for it to complete
            PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == mqtt_event);
        // Loop waiting for events from the MQTT client
            PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == mqtt_event);
            // If we've received a publish event then print
            // out the topic and message
                const char* topic = mqtt_svc_event_get_topic(data);
                const char* message = mqtt_svc_event_get_message(data);
                int level = 0;
                printf("%s = %s\n", topic, message);
                // Relay the received message to a new topic
                mqtt_publish("new_topic", message, 0, 1);
        printf("mqtt service connect failed\n");


High-Level API

// Must be called before any other function is  called.
// Initialises the MQTT client library and associates the
// provided buffers with it. The buffer memory must remain
// valid throughout the use of the API.
void mqtt_init(uint8_t* in_buffer, int in_buffer_length,
               uint8_t* out_buffer, int out_buffer_length);
// Starts an asynchronous connect to the server specified by
// the address and port. If auto_reconnect is non-zero then
// the it will keep trying to connect indefinitely and if the
// connection drops it will attempt to reconnect.
// The info structure provides other connection details
// such as username/password, will topic/message, etc.
// The memory pointed to by info must remain valid
// throughout the use of the API.
// The calling process will receive an mqtt_event of type
// MQTT_EVENT_CONNECTED when the operation is complete.
// Or an event of type MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECTED if the
// connect attempt fails.
int mqtt_connect(uip_ip6addr_t* address, uint16_t port,
                 int auto_reconnect, mqtt_connect_info* info);
// Starts an asynchronous disconnect from the server.
// The calling process will receive a mqtt_event of type
// MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_EXITED when the operation is complete.
int mqtt_disconnect()
// Starts an asynchronous subscribe to the specified topic
// The calling process will receive a mqtt_event of type
// MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE when the servers reply has
// been received.
int mqtt_subscribe(const char* topic)
// Starts an asynchronous unsubscribe of the specified topic.
// The calling process will receive a mqtt_event of type
// MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED when the server's reply
// has been received.
int mqtt_unsubscribe(const char* topic)
// Starts an asynchronous publish of the specified data to
// the specified topic.
// The calling process will receive a mqtt_event of type
// MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_PUBLISHED when the operation is complete
int mqtt_publish(const char* topic, const char* data,
                 int qos, int retain)
// Same as mqtt_publish() but the data doesn't have to be
// NULL terminated as a length is supplied instead.
int mqtt_publish_with_length(const char* topic,
                             const char* data,
                             int data_length,
                             int qos, int retain)
// The following functions are helpers for use when the calling
// process receives an mqtt_event.
// Returns non-zero if the client is currently connected
int mqtt_connected()
// Returns zon-zero if the client is ready to accept a
// new operation, or zero if it is still busy with a
// previous request.
int mqtt_ready()
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
// is for an MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTED event.
int mqtt_event_is_connected(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
int mqtt_event_is_disconnected(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
// is for an MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBED event.
int mqtt_event_is_subscribed(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
int mqtt_event_is_unsubscribed(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
// is for an MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_PUBLISH event.
int mqtt_event_is_publish(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
// is for an MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_PUBLISHED event.
int mqtt_event_is_published(void* data)
// Tests whether the event data passed to the calling process
// is for an MQTT_EVENT_TYPE_EXITED event.
int mqtt_event_is_exited(void* data)
// Retrieves the topic from the data returned to the
// calling process. The topic data is guaranteed to be
// NULL terminated.
const char* mqtt_event_get_topic(void* data)
// Retrieves the length of the topic from the data returned
// to the calling process.
uint16_t mqtt_event_get_topic_length(void* data)
// Retrieves the message data from the data returned to the
// calling process. The data is guaranteed to be NULL
// terminated.
const char* mqtt_event_get_data(void* data)
// Retrieves the length of the message data from the data
// returned to the calling process. This is needed if the
// message data contains NULLs.
uint16_t mqtt_event_get_data_length(void* data)


Low-Level Message Reading/Writing

This is the low-level message handling API used internally by the library.


// Must be called once before any other function is called.
// Initialises the connection structure and associates the
// provided buffer with it. The buffer is where created
// messages are written and the memory must remain
// valid throughout the use of the API.
void mqtt_msg_init(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                   uint8_t* buffer,
                   int buffer_length);

Message Reading

// Returns the type of the message in the buffer
int mqtt_get_type(uint8_t* buffer);
// Returns the DUP flag from he message in the buffer
int mqtt_get_dup(uint8_t* buffer);
// Returns the QoS level of the message in the buffer
int mqtt_get_qos(uint8_t* buffer);
// Returns the retain flag from the message in the buffer
int mqtt_get_retain(uint8_t* buffer);
// Returns a pointer to the topic string within the buffer,
// or NULL if there is an error parsing the message.
// On calling, length must contain the total length of the
// buffer. On return, length will contain the length
// of the topic.
const char* mqtt_get_publish_topic(uint8_t* buffer,
                                   int* length);
// Returns a pointer to the message body within the buffer,
// or NULL if there is an error parsing the message.
// On calling, length must contain the total length of the
// buffer. On return, length will contain the length
// of the message body.
const char* mqtt_get_publish_message(uint8_t* buffer,
                                     int* length);
// Returns the message ID of the message in the buffer,
// or zero if there is an error parsing the message.
// when callin, length must be set to the total length
// of the buffer.
uint16_t mqtt_get_message_id(uint8_t* buffer,
                             int length)

Message Creation

uint8_t* mqtt_msg_connect(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                          mqtt_connect_info_t* info);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_publish(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                          const char* topic,
                          const char* message,
                          int qos);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_puback(mqtt_connection_t*
                         uint16_t message_id);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_pubrec(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                         uint16_t message_id);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_pubrel(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                         uint16_t message_id);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_pubcomp(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                          uint16_t message_id);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_subscribe(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                            const char* topic,
                            int qos,
                            uint16_t* message_id);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_unsubscribe(mqtt_connection_t* connection,
                              const char* topic);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_ping(mqtt_connection_t* connection);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_ping_reply(mqtt_connection_t* connection);
uint8_t* mqtt_msg_disconnect(mqtt_connection_t* connection);


6 Thoughts on “Contiki MQTT Client

  1. Syed Ahmad Shah on May 28, 2015 at 1:13 pm said:

    I have tried to test your source code above but the Contiki simulation still do not recognise the mqtt-service.h header.
    Any suggestion please.
    The error message is as bellow:
    user@instant-contiki:~/contiki/examples/rime$ sudo make TARGET=sky mscproject
    CC mscproject.c
    mscproject.c:12:28: fatal error: mqtt-s-service.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [] Error 1
    user@instant-contiki:~/contiki/examples/rime$ sudo make TARGET=sky mscproject
    CC mscproject.c
    mscproject.c:12:28: fatal error: mqtt-s-service.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [] Error 1
    user@instant-contiki:~/contiki/examples/rime$ sudo make TARGET=sky syed-example-broadcast
    CC syed-example-broadcast.c
    syed-example-broadcast.c:11:28: fatal error: mqtt-s-service.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [] Error 1

  2. Ron Segal on December 7, 2015 at 11:12 pm said:

    Hi Esar
    Just wanting to know, is this project still active?
    Are you planning to maintain the software / get it accepted into Contiki core?

    • Hi Ron,
      I’m not using it in any of my current projects, which has led me to mostly ignore it, but if anyone submits bug fixes and/or improvements then I will try to get them merged in. However due to not using it I don’t have a good environment to test any submissions, so I’m likely to be a bit slow.
      I don’t have any plans to try and get it accepted into Contiki core, but if anyone else wants to try then that’s fine with me.

      • Ron Segal on December 13, 2015 at 5:15 am said:

        Apologies, I didn’t see your reply until just now. Thanks, that all seems reasonable. So I guess it’s to be taken effectively as a very solid leg-up towards a production application. Best wishes, Ron.

  3. Rafael on April 25, 2016 at 3:17 am said:

    Hi, how this repository is included in Contiki?
    I really need to run the MQTT protocol but do not know the Contiki OS,
    Please, could you help me?

    • I haven’t done anything with Contiki for a few years, so all I can really do is point you to this bit of the contiki-mqtt readme:
      > To use this library, create a mqtt-service directory in
      > the Contiki apps directory and place these library files
      > within it. Then add mqtt-service to the APPS variable
      > in your application’s makefile.
      To see an example of this in use you can look at the Makefile for one of my projects that used it:

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